Contengan, lakaran dan dakwatan : Subtitle Afrikaans “Graffiti, sketse en ink”

Aku suka menconteng, aku gemar melakar, aku seronok mendakwat.
(Ich mag zu kritzeln, ich zu skizzieren, wie genoss ich die Tinte)
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Ada hati nak melukis komik tapi tak berkesempatan.
subtitle :french
(C'est le cœur dessiner des BD, mais pas 
un hasard.)

Samsung SCX-6x22 Series_20111115093801_1 - Copy

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Bukan mudah dan senang nak melukis  tapi jangan putus asa.
No es sencillo y fácil de sacar, pero no quiere darse por vencido.
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Samsung SCX-6x22 Series_20111110134859_1
Perlu berusaha bak kata  pepatah:
Dovrebbe funzionare come si suol dire
"e-Commerce" means
Electronic Commerce is the exchange of goods and services for payment made between the Cardholder and Merchant when all of the transactions are performed via electronic communications.
"전자 상거래"은 전자 상거래는 거래의 모든 전자 통신을 통해 수행하는 경우 카드 소지자와 상인 사이에 만들어진 지불에 대한 상품과 서비스의 교환을 의미합니다.

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Apa yang aku merapu ni hahh
O que eu estou falando bobagem Postado hahh
Subtitle :Ayam
Cluck cluck kukkk kukkk ooerkk puihh


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